ABS is responsive to the time-critical nature of your testing protocols and we are able to ship our products by Fedex or UPS Monday through Friday for delivery the next day including Saturdays. We are available to ship orders the same day you call and are certainly flexible to your changing schedule for altering orders as may be required.

Fathead Minnows
(Pimephales promelas)
embryo, larvae or juvenile
This common North American freshwater minnow is used in numerous physical, chemical and biological test protocols including toxicity testing.
Fathead Minnows

Sheepshead Minnows
(Cyprinodon variegatus)
embryo, larvae or juvenile
This species is extremely tolerant to varying salinity between 0 and 70 ppt and they are found in freshwater, brackish water, full seawater and brine pools.
Sheepshead Minnows

Mysid Shrimp
(Americamysis bahia)
juvenile or adult
Mysids are commonly known as opossum shrimp because females hold their young in a pouch until the young develop to postlarval stages after which they are released as free-swimming individuals.
Mysid Shrimp

Inland Silverside
(Menidia beryllina)
embryo or juvenile
Inland silversides release sticky filamentous eggs that attach to vegetation helping ensure a more highly oxygenated environment for egg development.
Inland Silverside

(Atherinops affinis)
embryo, larvae or juvenile
Not a true smelt (Osmeridae), Topsmelt are a coastal, bay and estuarine fish found from Vancouver, B.C. to the Gulf of California spawning mostly in coastal streams and upper estuaries.

Freshwater Amphipod
(Hyalella azteca)
juvenile or adult
A freshwater amphipod used as a water quality indicator for streams, ponds and lakes.
Freshwater Amphipod

Freshwater Daphnid
(Daphnia magna)
starter culture or neonates
This large freshwater cladoceran is native to North America and is preferentially used for testing toxicity from sites with traditionally high hardness water.
Other daphnids available include Ceriodaphnia dubia and Daphnia pulex.
Freshwater Daphnid
(Daphnia pulex)
(Ceriodaphnia dubia)

(Chironomus dilutus)
second instar and egg cases
This freshwater midge is used for long-term sediment toxicity tests measuring survival, growth, emergence and reproduction.

Freshwater Green Algae
(Selenastrum capricornutum)
Recently redefined as Psuedokirschneriella subcapitata, this freshwater algae is used as a food source for daphnids and for algae cell reproduction toxicity tests.
Image © Microbial Culture Collection, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Freshwater Green Algae
Image © Microbial Culture Collection, National Institute for Environmental Studies
at 3 x 10 cells per ml
Additional Products
YTC Daphnid Feed Mixture
(with total solids data and pesticide/metals analysis)
Wheatgrass for YTC
(with pesticide/metals analysis)
Salmon Starter #1
(for making YTC)
Marine Rotifers
(Branchionus plicatilis)
Additional Services
In-house chronic and acute reference toxicity data available at no additional charge. View samples >>
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Discounted Federal Express and UPS shipping charges.
Quantity discounts available.
Return box credits.